Pumpkin Chia Pudding Recipe

I thought I added this creamy Fall breakfast to the blog years ago, but I was wrong. It takes 2 MINUTES to throw together and a few more minutes for it to thicken up.

This is one of the main recipes I suggest for clients who are on an anti-fungal protocol based on their GI-MAP stool test results. If they have candida or parasites, the focus is on protein, healthy fats and non starchy vegetables. I don’t like cutting out food groups, so we still include certain fruits, fermented foods and some starchy vegetables. This is a nice alternative to oatmeal or toast during a low grain 3 month protocol. This recipe is delicious so even if you’re not a client on a gut healing journey.

It’s high in healthy fats for hormone health and blood sugar balance. Chia seeds are a great plant-based source of omega 3 fats for brain health, mood and inflammation. I love that coconut milk is readily available in a pantry and naturally anti-fungal. Orange foods are high in beta-carotene, which the liver converts to Vitamin A in the body. We get our beta-carotene from pumpkin and the coconut milk and chia seed fats aid in absorption it’s a fat soluble vitamin.

Added cinnamon is warming and helps bring some heat to a room temperature or cold breakfast. Feel free to add ginger, cardamom and pumpkin spice for even more flavour.

I even offer it to my toddler so it’s a family favourite. I love adding granola or some plant-based yogurt on the side.


  • 1 can of coconut milk, I use organic full fat without binders

  • 1 can of pumpkin puree, no sweeteners. Feel free to bake your own pumpkin!

  • 1/4 cup of chia seeds. Store in the fridge!

  • true cinnamon to taste

  • 1-2 tbsp of almond butter optional for added creaminess and a little more protein

  • optional: splash of maple syrup, coconut yogurt dollop, granola, pumpkin spice, adaptogens, ginger spice

I’ve never tried adding protein powder to this, but I’m tempted. Report back if you do!


  • mix everything in a large bowl, taste as you go and adjust spices

  • wait 5 minutes for everything to thicken up and enjoy!

  • store leftovers in the fridge. You can eat it cold the next morning or leave it on the counter to warm up a bit. best enjoy with a hot cup of tea or coffee.